To earn this designation, here is what one must do: "Signature Members: Juried Members who have been granted the privilege of using the West Virginia Watercolor Society initials (WVWS) in conjunction with their signatures by the Membership Jury. To earn Signature status, a candidate must have work accepted in two juried WVWS shows in a six-year period, and submit four additional paintings images (other than slides of paintings that have been juried into past WVWS exhibits), for review by the Membership Status Jury. Signature Status may also be granted to any watercolor artist who is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, or whose work has been accepted in any AWS, NWS, or Watercolor USA exhibit."
I have 3 main teachers to thank for this. Anna Hogbin, who I studied with the longest and she went to great measures to help me grow, always giving me encouragement. Lynn Ferris, with her degrees in art, former commercial artist, and member of National Watercolor Society taught me about using light and shadows to make a strong composition. And Laurie Goldstein-Warren who finally got the concept of values thru my head and get me to the next level. Thank you, Ladies, from the bottom of my heart!!
Here are the 4 paintings that I submitted. The jurors liked "Caboose Camping - Durbin, WV VI the best.