![]() "Reflections on a Dear Friend" This plate was given to me by someone very special and I wanted to figure out a way to paint it and came up with this!
![]() "Caboose Camping Durbin WV IV" This one has several purposes - final class project for Laurie Humble's class; "WVWS All Member 2012 Show:, and most important - painting #6 of the 6 paintings due for submission to be considered "juried member" of WVWS. Anxious to hear Laurie's critique and tweak it one last time! ![]() "Caboose Camping in Durbin WV II" Yay! I got accepted into the juried show at Art at the Mill. Click here for more information about the show - just a short drive from here, and well worth the trip! ![]() This is for Laurie Humble's class on depth and realism. I can almost guarantee she's going to say go darker and deeper....I always think I'm done and she thinks I'm far from it - and that's what makes me learn!!! Excellent teacher - she teaches on-line thru Artists Network University and she also teaches at Cheap Joe's. I highly recommend her!!! ![]() This was another class of Lynn Ferris'. I didn't let the shadows dry well enough before placing color on the pitcher....but I like the cherries!!! Lynn is another fabulous teacher - she teaches here at the Mansion House during the summer (Hagerstown) and at The Villages (Orlando) in the winter. She's also taught at Cheap Joes - and she's published in last year AND this year's Splash Book! . I just received notification that two of my paintings have been accepted into this awesome juried show - "11th Annual Gala Exhibition" in Elkins, WV! Show runs September 7th thru September 27th. Yay!!! :-)
Assgnment was to take photo and change it and add dramatic skies. She gave us several color options to choose from and I chose to do them all for future reference. What a fun project!!! Today was one year anniversary celebration of this awesome gallery that I am so tickled to be a part of!!! We're open Wed-Sun Noon til 5 pm. Located in the Charles Town Visitors Center on N. Liberty.
I'm so excited!!! I am now a proud member of the Washington Street Artists Cooperative! Our Gallery is located at 108 N George Street (Charles Town Visitor Center). Open Wed - Sun 12-5. Click here for more information!!!
AuthorAndrea Burke, WVWS Click on this if you'd like new blog posts emailed to you!
December 2024