Apparently you can make a full time job out of submitting artwork to various shows throughout the state (and others!) Beckley Art Group invited WVWS members to submit pieces for their upcoming juried show at the Cynthia Bickey Art Gallery. I'm sending CD with 3 images of my paintings today - crossing my fingers that I get in this show, too!
Click here to see the winning paintings of this awesome show. Interesting - some I totally understand, others I just don't get, but that's Art!! :-)
![]() "Was that another chicken joke?" This was the first of many paintings from Lynn Ferris' class! So glad to have her back in our neck of the woods and to continue to learn from this amazing Artist and Teacher!!! ![]() The Artist Reception and Awards Ceremony was held last night! It was so much fun! It was great to meet WVWS President, Linda Elmer, along with several of the other artists in the show. Artwork was beautifully displayed by Jeannie Kuhn, Executive Director of Arts Monongahela. We even had live music! As you can see by the photos, a good time was had by all: ![]() Lynn Ferris It's officially summer! Lynn Ferris' class started today - woot woot! She is a fabulous teacher and quite an accomplished artist. She's a signature member of the National Watercolor Society and the Florida Watercolor Society - she's won awards at many, many shows and teaches all over the country! We're lucky to have her at the Mansion House in Hagerstown! ![]() "Caboose Camping in Durbin, WV" by Andrea Burke I'm so excited!!! This painting won "Honorable Mention" at the WVWS Aqueous 2012 show! I'm just honored and tickled permanent rose!!! I give so much credit to teacher and friend, Anna Hogbin. I wouldn't be where I am today without her patient teaching and guidance. Thank you, Anna! I thank my husband, too - who encourages me to paint as often as I want!!! Full day of painting today - afternoon tomorrow - and then all day Thursday thru Monday! Should be able to make lots of progress on the "big four"! Just relax and enjoy the process, and listen to the Teachers in my head! :-)
Today is critical meeting for Potomac River Artist's Guild to do all the final preparation for upcoming show at the War Memorial Building in downtown Shepherdstown, WV 7/13-7/15. Nicest bunch of artists that I have the pleasure of knowing!!! Mark your calendars! Artist Reception will be on Saturday, 7/14 from 3-5. Hope to see you at the show!!!
OK - time to stop goofing around. I was not successful at all with Linda Baker's techniques - no control of the color or where it landed and I don't have the skills she has to turn it into artwork! That's OK - it's all part of the learning process. I am most comfortable with "realism", so that will be my mainstay. Artist deadlines are rapidly approaching and we have lots of fun activities planned this summer - best get cracking! Have the 4 setups done to submit to WVWS for consideration as Juried Member. I'll post them as they near completion just for fun! Happy Painting!!!
A full day with nothing on the schedule but painting - yay!!! Still playing with new techniques from Karlyn and Linda - and ready to begin painting the 4 subjects I've selected to submit to WVWS for consideration as juried member! Time is going so quickly. Checked dates for Art at the Mill and submissions are due 8/3/12! Right around the corner!!! It's all good - and I'm so grateful for the time I have to get lost in the process! Enjoy your day, too!
Andrea ![]() "Art at the Mill" by Andrea Burke This needs to be done with darker values on the face of both the race and the mill. Once I scrape watercolor shavings into painting, I can't touch it anymore - smears and ruins it!!! I will re-do it, though for submission for juried show at "Art at the Mill" - in this glorious building - and I like where it's going!!! ![]() "Giles Mill" by Andrea Burke The perspective is off on this one and not enough detail on the wheel's paddles - or so they say! :-) Will have to completely redo this one if I want to enter it into a show! ![]() "Hays-Gerrard House" by Andrea Burke This needs to be re-done with more shading (again, can't touch it after I sanded watercolor pencils into wet areas!!!) Great learning lesson from Karlyn Holman's techniques!!! There's a new show in Harpers Ferry that I submitted two paintings to. "Gadgets, Guns and Gears" 6/23 - 8/26 at "Steam at Harpers Ferry". Hope I get in - should know by 6/13!!! Crossing all appendages....
I'm working on 6 paintings at once - all involve several different layers and need to dry completely before the next. Kinda feel like I'm working in a factory, but it's fun!!! Thanks to Karlyn Holman and Linda Baker!!
Heading to Morgantown, WV today to deliver artwork to this awesome show! I'm SO tickled to be part of it and can't wait to see all the other artwork. Exhibit is open 6/11-7/6. Reception/Awards Ceremony is June 22nd. All at the Arts Monongahela! Hope to see you there!!!
AuthorAndrea Burke, WVWS Click on this if you'd like new blog posts emailed to you!
December 2024
'This world is but a canvas to our imagination' - Henry David Thoreau