"You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Grey" This is a combination of Karlyn Holman's techniques for flowers and Laurie Goldstein-Warren's technique for backgrounds! I think it really makes the flower pop!!! Leaves could use improvement and that will come with time. Overall, I'm pleased with this one and encouraged to do more, as always!!! Thanks to two AWESOME TEACHERS!!!!!
Our Foyer needed a little cheering up - I found 20x20 beautiful ornate frames at Ollies - long story short, as I took them apart to remove "print" and use for one of mine, I realized I could never sell a painting in one of these frames....but if I put it on our wall, I'll never show anyone the back of it! :-) These are done using Karlyn Holman's style that I enjoy so much!!!
This is such a fun style to paint. Begin with sketch and apply masking to save the whites. Then wet both sides of paper and work from middle out - with yellow, gold, coral, and blues. Dry thoroughly then apply shadows. Then the greens - then the details of the house. Remove masking and splash in flowers. Last step is to wet areas and shave watercolor pencils into them - voila! My husband does not like the pinks - says they don't belong there!!! I think they are fun!!!!
Today I finally have set aside time to try underpainting some abstract designs based on teachings of Karlyn Holman! I'm so excited - she uses tons of texture techniques and always pays attention to path of light and path of dark. Great design lessons, for sure!
I've been reading new material by Karlyn Holman to paint with spontaneity to see if it will loosen me up a bit! Here is my first series of lessons - Storefronts in Shepherdstown. What do you think??? It's soooo different from what I normally do - starting by wetting the back of the paper, then the front of the paper and then putting wet paint on top of that! Not a lot of control, but the paints have a blast moving around!!
AuthorAndrea Burke, WVWS Click on this if you'd like new blog posts emailed to you!
December 2024