Gosh, I haven't done a blog in so very long. I've been painting a lot - for Rosemont and the Corner at 216. We even did a show at the Fine Arts Center where I featured Clarksville in Stained Glass and it was such fun! I've learned a new technique, collages - they are so much fun! I have 14 ready to begin of many rock stars that I am so excited about. Learned this technique from my special artist friend, Suzy Powell, who was such a great teacher and I'm forever grateful! I will post them when I finish!!! I did my first one of dear friend, Kevin Kuhn and he loves it! Stay tuned for more pics as I finish them. Thank you for stopping by!!!
I have had so much fun creating abstracts using techniques learned in Laurie Goldstein-Warren's last abstract class. You can see the full series here
Well, I didn't win, but I gave it my best shot! A Graphic Artist I am NOT and that's ok!!! I still think it would've looked cool on shirts!
This is such a fun event! Many artisans participate in all forms of artwork you can imagine! Such creativity. The Artcrawl was created and sponsored by REALTOR Karin Kuhn. This is my entry this year. It will be displayed at The Corner at 216. I will post all of the entries after they are all up after 8/6.
Artwork has been delivered and hung! I'm so pleased to be part of this winery's Art Group again! Such a gorgeous setting!!! I'm so excited about this! Still have to mat, frame and wire these, but have another full day tomorrow to play away! Whew! These will be on display (and for sale) at Rosemont 7/27 til mid November! Come taste some fabulous wine and soak up some amazing artwork by the wonderful artists of the Rosemont Art Group! And see my display too!!!
I'm so excited to be a part of this Winery again! Here are some pics from today's Art and Wine Festival!I have been invited to be the Guest Artist at Rosemont Winery 7/27/23 - mid October! I am so excited! I was a member of this art group for many years and left probably 5 years ago. It's such a lovely venue and It's definitely time to come back!!! I need to bring 12 paintings so have some work to do between now and then! And a great purpose!!! I just finished these two and they will be part of it for sure!
I've decided to do my storefront on Le Galeriste again. Put everything at 30% OFF through the end of the year. A Corner at 216, where my artwork is for sale, has agreed to sell my Le Galeriste scarves - they should arrive in 30 days or less. I won't be going after boutiques again, just staying small and stress free! I'm really excited. Nearly finished with my first new painting to be turned into Wearable Art by Andrea Burke - I'd forgotten how much fun it is to paint for clothes!! Color me HAPPY!!!! www.legaleriste.com/andrea.burke
I had donated 8 paintings to the VA Avenue Mall for their auction. Janet, one of the employees, really wanted the sunflower painting, but the bids got too high for her budget. So I painted this one for her just cuz she's such an amazing woman! Delivering it this afternoon!
I struggled and struggled with these paintiings and opted to start over and I'm so glad I did! Finally happy with them! Whew!
It's that time again, switching out artwork at The Corner at 216. I'm hoping people will want to buy these to put in their "grandkids room" when they visit! It could happen!!!!
I love this vineyard. Love the family who own and run it. Love the wine. Love that they are having huge success with their many, many events being held in the big beautiful barn! Gave this painting to Ren Hite because she does so much to help the vineyard and plays major park in keeping it so beautifully decorated!!!
I follow a page on Facebook "Free Reference Photos for Artists". They have fabulous photographers submitting photos all the time - I broke my own rules of only painting from my photos and I used them for my "Bugs Island" series and my "Animal" series.
Anyway, they had a contest to paint their winning photo for January and I jumped in: These are ready for the next time I change out artwork. Have been trying some new things - landscapes, animals, bugs....it's been fun and I've learned a lot. It's time for me to paint slowly as if I am entering juried shows and be the best that I can be again. Painting for clothes was a wonderful experience - no rules, judges, etc., - just fun designs for clothes. Need to get back into the "game". In the meantime, I'm hoping these animals might be a welcome addition to children or grandchildren and their bedroom walls!
I am pleased, honored and tickled to have my paintings for sale at The Corner at Two One Six! This is my first series to go up - will try to change once a quarter and "keep it fresh"! Heartfelt thanks to the folks who have turned The Galleria on the Lake into a fabulous new gallery/gift shop AND Airbnb! Linda is up in Heaven doing a happy dance!!Le Galeriste took one of my paintings "Mother Nature's Masterpiece" and printed it on fabric and sewed the clothing to be modeled for their Fall photo shoot! It's also the cover of their facebook page, and the cover of their website: www.legaleriste.com And if you scroll down, you will see I'm also the Artist in the Spotlight! Just stoked!!! I absolutely love this company!!!
I'm so happy to be painting what I love again. Not that I haven't enjoyed painting for clothing with Le Galeriste - I will continue to do that, but not as hard and heavy as I have been. New Fall/Winter wardrobe is up and running on website www.legaleriste.com/andrea.burke with a permanent sale of 20% OFF. I have enough new designs to update Spring/Summer wardrobe onto my storefront when the time comes. And next August, I will decide if I will continue to do it or not. I will never be sorry I did it and have a closet full of clothes I just love to wear! (advertising, I tell my husband! :-) )
Anyway, here are the new designs I'm working on for my "debut" at The Corner at Two One Six! My dear Friend, Linda Davenport, owner of The Galleria on the Lake, here in Clarksville, passed away suddenly earlier this year. She had sold the building before she passed, and the new Owners and Managers have done a fabulous job turning it into "The Corner at Two One Six" art gallery and gift shop and "216 Virginia Ave" - Airbnb on the top floor! Linda is up in Heaven doing a happy dance and beaming with pride.
I decided to do a painting of their new establishment and give it to them as a gift. And, I'm so thrilled to say, I will be selling my paintings in their new store, too! |
AuthorAndrea Burke, WVWS Click on this if you'd like new blog posts emailed to you!
December 2024
'This world is but a canvas to our imagination' - Henry David Thoreau